Strona główna » Show

Welcome to the show: 25th in 25th!


When: 15-16 March 2025

Show hall: Hotel Cyprus
Mazowiecka 121a, 05-825, Książenice

Nearest airport is WAW, 30 minutes away by car.

12 rings over the weekend (8AB, 4SP)

This is an all-under-one-roof, no visitors show.

Invited judges:
Pascal Remy, France (-/AB/AB)
Jane Allen, Great Britain (SP/AB/AB)
Francoise Dubois, France (SP/AB/AB)
Amy Stadter, Germany (SP/AB/AB)
Dorota Podlejska, Poland (WCF) (SP/-/-)

Entry fees
Regular fee 2 days Saturday
1st cat/alter/kitten 60 EUR 45 EUR
2nd and subsequent cat/alter/kitten 50 EUR 40 EUR
3 cats in double cage 130 EUR 100 EUR
household pet 30 EUR 25 EUR

Entries for Sunday only are not possible.

Maximum width for own cages: 70cm single, 140cm double.

Schedule Saturday Sunday
Check-in and vet check 8:00-9:00  
Judging 9:30-17:30 10:00-14:00
Lunch break around 13:00 around 13:00
Best of Best   14:15
Leaving the show hall before official closing of the show requires permission from show management!

Show entries: e-mail to or fill the on-line entry form. To get placeholders, use e-mail.

Closing date: March 9th, 2025, 23:59 (or earlier if the entry limit has been reached). After this date it is no longer possible to cancel or substitute an entry. All entries must be paid, even if they fail to bench.

Entry limit: 90-100 cats - we have exactly 45 double spaces available.

Show fees: foreign exhibitors who pay in euro can pay cash at the check-in at no additional fee! For Paypal or bank transfer contact the entry clerk at

Cages: Please, state with your entry if you bring your own cage or need a club cage.

If you want to be a clerk, please, contact

Benching requests write in remarks in the entry form or send to

Show hotel: Cyprus hotel has reserved all its rooms for the exhibitors. The block is valid until February 28th. Please, send reservations to Prices (including breakfasts): single room 250 PLN, double room 330 PLN, cat fee 60 PLN/cat/stay. After 28th of February reservations must be sent directly to the hotel, availability of rooms and prices are no longer guaranteed.

Veterinary check: All cats have to be microchiped, healthy, free from viral diseases and parasites. Exhibitor is obliged to have cat's passport and health certificate dated not older than 3 days before the show. It is obligatory for the cats to be vaccinated against respiratory viral diseases and panleukopenia at least 15 days and no more than 2 years (730 days) prior to show. It is obligatory for cats coming from outside of Poland to be vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days prior to the show and with valid expiration date entered into European Passport or other document provided. All cats must have their claws clipped. Remember, the cat has four paws!

It is forbidden to sell cats during this show.

By entering the show you agree to abide by TICA show rules. The rules can be obtained here

As usual, on Saturday evening we will have a judges' dinner in the show hotel.
Price for 1 person is 35 euro (soft drinks included). If you want to join, please, send info to State your selection of dishes (one from each category: starter, main course, desert; you may simply write the numbers).

Show management:
Manager: Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka
Treasurer: Agnieszka Gabrusewicz
Entry clerk: Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka
Show team: Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Magdalena Marie

Projekt strony: Vanti
Administracja: Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka*
Copyright © 2011 Klub Kota X-Treme